Safe Sport

Thunder Bay Rowing Club


Rowing Canada has adopted the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS) and the Thunder Bay Rowing Club commits to this UCCMS.

Refer to the Rowing Canada Safe Sport poster if you are experiencing or are aware of any form of maltreatment.

Find here the Thunder Bay Rowing Club Safe Sport Policy Manual (complete text) including:

- Athlete Protection Policy

Appendix A – Image Consent Form

Appendix B – Procedures Reporting Suspected Maltreatment of a Minor

- Code of Conduct and Ethics

- Harassment, Discipline and Complaints Policy

- Appeal Policy

- Social Media Policy

- Screening Policy

- Appendix A - Screening Requirements Matrix


In all cases, Safe Sport concerns should be reported to our Independent Third Party Lise Maclean of Wiser Workplaces, who may be contacted at, (519) 900-6813 or (613) 404-2000.

In some cases, the Independent Third Party may recommend our Thunder Bay Rowing Club’s Complaints Resolution Officer, Bill Parsons, as the best person to help out. In such cases, the Independent Third Party will contact our TBRC Complaints Resolution Officer directly.